Welcome to the tutorial app for API Builder!

In this sample app, there is a sample API document containing several APIs configured, along with some sample data to test with the APIs.

Do explore the sample API document by editing the app > Addon Builders > Sample 1.


Before starting with this tutorial app, do install the API Builder plugin from the Joget Marketplace.

To setup this sample app:

  1. Navigate to "Manage API Key". Add a new record.
  2. Give this API access a meaningful name.
  3. For simplicity, you can select "API Key" for Authentication Method. Once you are familiar with how to call APIs, you can later on try out other authentication methods.
  4. For simplicity of testing, you can temporarily key in " * " symbol for the Domain Whitelist. (Do NOT do this in a machine/instance that is exposed to the public)
  5. Optionally, you can key in a meaningful remark for your own reference.
  6. Save the record.
  7. That's it! Now that you have successfully configured an API access, we are ready to use this access to test APIs. Feel free to setup as many API access as you wish, to try out different access configurations.

Reference: https://dev.joget.org/community/display/marketplace/Manage+API+Key+Menu

For guide on how to setup more secure API authentication methods, see here.


After completing the setup, you can test APIs in 2 ways:

  1. You can conveniently preview APIs directly in Joget by editing "Sample 1" API document and clicking on "OAS3 Document" tab. Tutorial available here: https://dev.joget.org/community/display/marketplace/OAS3+Document+-+Preview+APIs
  2. You can use external API clients (e.g: Postman) to call APIs in Joget. Do see "Guides" userview category for examples on how to call them.
    By using this method, just remember your unique API Key that you've created in your API access earlier.
    All the guides assume that you are the "admin" user, and you've setup an API access as exact to the setup steps above.


Note: API access records are not transferrable upon app export for security purposes. When importing an app that uses the API Builder, do setup the API access for each individual machine/instance.

To learn more about the API Builder, go to the KB guide here: https://dev.joget.org/community/display/marketplace/API+Builder